Ile ResourceBank

Ile—pronounced ee-lay—is a Lakota word that means light

Ile ResourceBank is a core program of the Ile strategy and 501(c)3 charity. Ile ResourceBank exists to help meet the physiological needs of those in the Little Earth community as a foundation for broader health and healing, aligned with the concept of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. We believe that a natural outflow of a relationship with Jesus is helping care for those in need (see James 2:14-17).


Ile ResourceBank supports community wellness by providing material support for families in need through consistent check-ins and providing critical resources as needed. We seek to:

  • Create and sustain high-trust relationships with families

  • Honor those who find themselves in need and in difficult circumstances

  • Intervene with resources, such as food, clothing, diapers, household supplies, and toiletries

  • Bridge the gap between current family needs and local resources and programs as a step toward self-sufficient advocacy

  • Connect all areas of families’ live to any needed outside resources and support

As stated in Isaiah 1:17, we seek to “Defend the oppressed, take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”


At Ile ResourceBank, the following principles guide our programming and the relationships we develop with each amazing family. We believe:

  • Every individual deserves to have every basic need met

  • Every individual is more than the sum of their current circumstances

  • Every individual has been made in the image of God

  • Every family deserves advocacy—to be seen, known, and supported

  • Every family deserves a community around them to lean on when times get difficult

  • Every family deserves to be loved and honored regardless of their current circumstances


Ile ResourceBank operates within the following guiding principles:

  • First things first.  Resources are designed based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, understanding that families are best positioned to achieve their God-designed potential when they are not hungry or in chronic stress; when they feel secure and loved; and when they have critical resources. Ile ResourceBank supports families with day-to-day needs such as food, clothing, diapers, and school supplies to help reduce stress on the family unit and allow families the opportunity to grow and flourish.

  • Relationship-based. Sustained relationships are key to long-term change and building the trust critical for connecting with this unique community. We know that in order to serve as e a bridge to further resources, we must build and maintain safe, trusting, and respectful relationships with families.

  • Culture of honor. Romans 12:10 guides us to “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Honor creates psychological safety and protects the value of each individual. As a faith-based organization, we seek to give weight and value to every family and individual we connect with in the belief that every person has been made in the image of God and has God-given gifts. We seek to see, give value to, and truly listen to each individual we encounter as a Child of God deserving of honor regardless of present circumstances. Ile also recognizes that the lives of those we serve add rich value to ours and our greater Minnesota community simply by being who they were created to be. We are honored to know every individual we meet in Little Earth and therefore we seek to honor them in all we do.

  • Community involvement. Ile seeks to equip individuals, families, and communities for long-term success while periodically standing in the gap when critical resources are needed. As a result, it is critical for members of the Little Earth community to have voice in the design of our programs and approach. We never assume we know what a family or individual needs. Through active and culturally sensitive listening to caregivers and families, we seek to meet expressed needs through ResourceBank materials.

  • Family resources. Ile pursues this part of its mission with the understanding that loss of trust between Indigenous communities and government resources and communities of faith may impact receptiveness to valuable services. In addition to support with critical material resources, Ile ResourceBank also serves Little Earth families with timely connections to addiction support, mental health care, housing support, educational advocacy, and job opportunities.  As a faith-based organization, Ile also seeks to connect families to nearby communities of faith in a culturally sensitive manner that mirrors the faith, hope, and love of Jesus Christ. 

Partnership Opportunities

Ile ResourceBank is currently seeking local businesses, churches, nonprofits, ministries and programs that are willing to help connect us to critical resources for families, as well as classes, housing information, internships, job opportunities, transportation and parental support, and more. Please contact us for more information.